Kamis, 26 April 2012

Password oh Password....

Tidak banyak orang yang menyentuh laptopku ini, tapi tetap saja aku tertalu introvert untuk sesuatu yang kurasa tak perlu diketahui orang lain. Alhasil, aku memenuhi laptopku dengan password-password disetiap sisinya. Mulai dari password saat login, password untuk driver jika memang harddisk tersebut bisa di enkripsi, folder, hingga-tentu saja- file yang kutulis.

Walau sudah diberi password, aku masih sangsi dengan kerahasiaan password yang kugunakan sehingga

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Memimpikan Petualangan Langdon di The Lost symbol

Hujan sudah mulai mereda namun masih meyisakan butir-butir gerimisnya saat aku membaca karya Dan Brown yang bertajuk The lost Symbol. Jangan tertawakan aku karna baru membacanya sekarang. Aku punya banyak kesempatan bahkan disaat-saat pertama buku itu terbit, tapi entah kenapa aku benar-benar tidak tertarik. Bukannya tidak tertarik membaca karya Dan Brown, hanya tidak tertarik membaca novel terutama novel tebal seperti itu. Novel tebal terakhir yang berhasil kuselesaikan adalah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 3 tahun yang lalu. Syukurlah kini mood-ku untuk membaca novel tebal kembali hadir. :P
Ada yang baru dari hobby membacaku saat ini, aku meminjam buku di perpustakaan umum daerah kota Payakumbuh. Yup, ini kunjunganku untuk pertama kalinya seumur hidup. Nantilah kuceritakan tentang pustaka ini bagi yang juga belum pernah ke sana (khusus anak Payakumbuh dan sekitarnya, ;)). Berkunjung ke sana sekitar pukul 3 sore hingga akhirnya pustaka sudah akan ditutup, aku membawa pulang buku Menulis itu Mudah dan The Lost Symbol.

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Is there a Devil Lying Beside Us?

So, it’s true then. There is a devil lying beside you if you are one of the students who should write the paper, thesis, or even dissertation to graduate soon. Yeah, it also happen to me (I am not surprise, anyway). Not like others who don’t have much time to write because they have classes or even a work to earn some money, I have plenty of time. And yet I am still let the devil lying so close to me, so it makes me do not have a passion to jot it down. 

People, the success ones, give a deadline to their lives. Well, I have done it, but the deadline is not working for me. Maybe because I don’t get the meaning of ‘deadline’ yet. Wow, more than two years work for the campus newspaper and deal with a word called ‘deadline’ and I said that I don’t understand it yet? Pathetic, isn’t it?
Alright, maybe I really should admit it, the deadline is not working for me because I don’t care about it, or frankly speaking, I don’t care about myself. Huft… it’s going to far now. It should be about the paper, not about me and myself. Well… thanks for reading, guys…
keep smile ^_^

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Alhamdulillah... Accepted

Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah… something that I really expected happened on Monday. hmm... its true then, man shabara zhafira. The title for my paper is accepted. I love Monday :)

I went to campus on 11 am and I straight forward to the department office to check whether my paper title is already accepted or not yet. And praises to Allah, its already there. The letter for my advisor is there. Yeah… its time to fight now.

Thinking about meeting my beloved advisor for the first time made me so nervous. Well, nervous or not, it should be done. So, I did it. I met my beloved advisor for the first time and bring nothing. Aha, I didn’t start to write the paper yet. Fortunately, it was okay for him. 

By the way, there was something interesting at that time. Mr. Advisor asked me why I’m so late to submit the title. My answer was only a beautiful big smile ^__^. Then, he guess it and its true. He said I’m late because of joined in student’s organization. Yup, its true, only, it really was my fault. One hundred person mine. It was me who cannot manage my schedule. I said it to him, but he wasn’t agreed. Yeah, I know who my advisor is. Actually, he would be a little impressed if I said the name of organization. He is mastered in writing, and having students who joined in campus newspaper will make him happy, I thought. ^_^a

Anyway, Alhamdulillah... 
and.... lets fight!

Dan Azed
Toshiba Satellite L645, it should be posted on April 2 2012